Tapas in BCN

Tapas in BCN

I decided to spend a semester in Barcelona, Spain at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. During my time abroad I fell in love with Barcelona but once I leave, I will definitely miss the food the most including tapas. A tapa is an appetizer in Spanish cuisine but...

Barcelona with AIFS

So, you know you want to study abroad but you are having trouble choosing a program – let’s be honest it can be a bit overwhelming! This was definitely one of the most grueling parts of the study abroad application process, but having just completed my...
Looking back at abroad

Looking back at abroad

Now that I have left Europe and have been hope for a month, I have been able to look back at my experience and appreciate what has happened this summer. If you have the opportunity to go abroad for an internship or classes… do it. It is such an amazing experience and...
Must see places

Must see places

One of my favorite parts about studying abroad is being able to travel to other places easily. I have traveled almost every weekend since studying in Barcelona. Since I also do an internship here, I have to be back for work on Monday morning which makes my weekends...

FC Barcelona takes on Granada

Barca! Clap, clap, clap. Barca! Clap, clap, clap. Barca! Clap, clap, clap…And the game is underway. The crowd is roaring, the players are running, and my heart is pounding. The atmosphere is INCREDIBLE. I had never been to a professional futbol game, much less in...