WOW. It really feels like I got to Barcelona only a month ago and now I will be leaving on Friday to do some traveling around Spain before I go home. It’s so hard to put into words all the different things I learned in the three and a half months I’ve been living here. I feel like I have grown more than I could have ever expected and am so grateful that I will be able to take this back with me to the United States. Culture shock is a very real phenomenon and I’m so sad to be leaving the city that I slowly but surely fell in love with. In the same way that I was so excited to begin my short time here, I’m so excited to go back home and see my family and friends. Throughout my travels in Spain and other countries that I was able to travel to, I have collected tickets and Knick-knacks that will help me remember the amazing time I had here. I plan on creating a journal with these amazing memories so that I can have them forever. Although I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to travel around Europe, every place I went I was always thinking about the people I love at home, so I couldn’t help but get them some gifts while I was away. These small gifts will be a reminder of the time I had here and how I am extremely grateful for the support that I had over the couple months I was away. Lastly, in preparation for returning home, it will be a struggle to fit everything I have amassed over these couple months. I have had to watch multiple YouTube videos on how to fit everything into suitcases to make sure that nothing will be left behind or break. I’m looking forward to returning home soon and will be so eternally grateful to the city of Barcelona for teaching me so much and the amazing, lifelong friends that I have made.