Setting Out for Italy!

Setting Out for Italy!

It’s been a goal of mine to travel the world since I was really young. Studying abroad this summer has been a wonderful experience that I will never forget, one that has allowed me to gain the courage to embark on even more trips abroad and to fully experience what...
Colombian Cooking Class

Colombian Cooking Class

Throughout my entire time in Colombia, I’ve eaten so many new and amazing foods! I never would have thought of some of these foods, as some are so creative- but others go back hundreds of years to times of indigenous communities. I’ve loved being able to try...
Paragliding in Medellín!

Paragliding in Medellín!

DCIM100GOPROG0014445.JPG DCIM100GOPROG0014362.JPG Over my last free weekend of my six week program in beautiful Colombia, a group of students decided to rent an AirBNB in Medellin- a place completely different compared to where we stay in Barranquilla. Medellin, the...
Navigating Water Buses in Venice

Navigating Water Buses in Venice

While Venice is an extremely walkable city, it is very helpful to learn how to navigate the water bus systems. Being in Venice is a very unique experience because there are no cars on the majority of the island. Thus, most of the transportation is done by water buses...
Favorite Experiences in Zambia

Favorite Experiences in Zambia

Outside of our time spent in clinic, we had some opporutinities to get to see and experience the country of Zambia. My top two favrotie experiences from the trip are the safari we did and seeing Victoria falls. During our safari we got to see zebras, buffalo, monkeys,...