Bama Bloggers Abroad

UA in Greece: First Two Weeks Out of the U.S.

UA in Greece: First Two Weeks Out of the U.S.

I have been in Greece for a little well over a week and a half, nearly two weeks. I had planned on blogging earlier though between inconsistent WiFi and non-stop excitement it was hard to find time!...

UA in Croatia & Italy : Navigating Travel

UA in Croatia & Italy : Navigating Travel

My name is Mary Patton. I studied abroad this May through the UA in Croatia: Intermediate Macroeconomics program. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the trip, but I thought I should share some travel...

Setting Out for Italy!

Setting Out for Italy!

It’s been a goal of mine to travel the world since I was really young. Studying abroad this summer has been a wonderful experience that I will never forget, one that has allowed me to gain the...

Colombian Cooking Class

Colombian Cooking Class

Throughout my entire time in Colombia, I’ve eaten so many new and amazing foods! I never would have thought of some of these foods, as some are so creative- but others go back hundreds of years to...

Paragliding in Medellín!

Paragliding in Medellín!

DCIM100GOPROG0014445.JPG DCIM100GOPROG0014362.JPG Over my last free weekend of my six week program in beautiful Colombia, a group of students decided to rent an AirBNB in Medellin- a place...

A Beautiful Time in Rome

A Beautiful Time in Rome

I've truly been enjoying my experience studying abroad in Rome. The professors that I have at my university are wonderful and truly care about their students' comprehension of the material. It's...

On my way to London School of Economics!

On my way to London School of Economics!

T minus 60 minutes before I board the plane to head off to London. Definitely a lot of different emotions right now, feeling everything from extreme excitement to overwhelming anxiety. It is...

First shark seen in over 50 years in Croatia

First shark seen in over 50 years in Croatia

Croatia was a new and exciting city for me. Within our class group, our teachers and many group activities planned. When a day came where we had a time to go on ur own, a group of us decided to go...

The End: Reflections on My Time Abroad

The End: Reflections on My Time Abroad

A half-packed suitcase in the corner of my room, a new email about my summer job, a final invite to dinner: these marked the end of my semester abroad. My recent flight back to the U.S. was one...

Navigating Water Buses in Venice

Navigating Water Buses in Venice

While Venice is an extremely walkable city, it is very helpful to learn how to navigate the water bus systems. Being in Venice is a very unique experience because there are no cars on the majority...

Weekend in Split

Weekend in Split

My friends and I totaled ten people who went to Split, Croatia, from Thursday through Sunday last weekend. Split was a beautiful city built into the Diocletian Palace, giving the whole town a weird...

First Day in Rome

First Day in Rome

Going to Rome has always been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid hearing the myths and legends about gods and heroes. So much so my childhood self wanted nothing more than to be an archeologist...

Adjusting to Being Back in the USA

Adjusting to Being Back in the USA

After spending 4 months in Milan, I finally returned back to the United States and it truly was bittersweet. I loved my time abroad and I really do miss being there, but at the same time it was a...

Favorite Experiences in Zambia

Favorite Experiences in Zambia

Outside of our time spent in clinic, we had some opporutinities to get to see and experience the country of Zambia. My top two favrotie experiences from the trip are the safari we did and seeing...

Art History Italy Study Abroad

Art History Italy Study Abroad

Pre-Departure Why did you choose to study abroad? All throughout my high school and college years, I have always dreamed of studying abroad. Studying abroad always appealed to me because it was a...

Providing Healthcare In Zambia

Providing Healthcare In Zambia

During our time in Zambia, we set up a pop up clinic for 4 days. The first 2 days we were at schools in the city and the last 2 days we were in a remote village south of the city. Every day when we...

Rome -> Florence -> Split -> Sicily

Rome -> Florence -> Split -> Sicily

Rome is known for its prominent ancient history and I have visited every attraction and landmark there is to see. It was breathtaking to see the Colosseum in real life and envision the combats...

Abroad in Multiple Countries

Abroad in Multiple Countries

My abroad trip ended a couple of weeks ago, and I have fully readjusted to life back in the States. The program I participated in consisted of four countries and five locations: Venice, Italy;...

Lost Your Luggage

Lost Your Luggage

When traveling to Australia, my luggage got lost in LAX. It took 4 days for my luggage to be delivered to me in Melbourne, Australia. This experience taught me about adapting to unexpected changes....

Photographing Your Travels!

Photographing Your Travels!

Before leaving for your study abroad, think about how you want to document your travels. This looks different for everyone. While studying abroad, I use Instagram stories to share pictures of the...

Looking back on my time in Ireland

Looking back on my time in Ireland

Throughout my time in Ireland, I have learned many things and made so many new friendships. After being home for about a week, I have had to reflect on my time in Ireland and the numerous cities I...

Journaling After My Trip to Florence, Italy

Journaling After My Trip to Florence, Italy

After an unforgettable trip to Florence, Italy, I decided to capture my memories in a journal and somewhat of a photo album. The point in my journaling was to be able to relive my adventure over and...

Post Abroad Life from Australia

Post Abroad Life from Australia

Upon returning home I am feeling all of the emotions. I look back on some of my favorite memories like the Great Barrier Reef, holding Koalas (which is pictured), Sydney opera house, and the beaches...

Abroad in Australia

Abroad in Australia

I unfortunately did not have the best start to my trip this year. My roommate and I ran into NUMEROUS flight problems, we had delays, cancelations, we had to switch flights at one point, and the...

Pre – Departure Australia

Pre – Departure Australia

I decided to study abroad this past May because I studied abroad the May before this in South East Asia for the first time and it was the best experience ever! I wrote about it in Bama Bloggers last...

Friends Worth Falling For

Friends Worth Falling For

One of the things you will probably hear most when researching study abroad is that you’ll make lifelong friends. When I applied for my program in the fall, I heard all of the stories but had a hard...

A Frenzy of Flights and Finals

A Frenzy of Flights and Finals

You’ve probably had that one semester in college that just dragged on forever. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel, whether it’s going back to your hometown, traveling with friends and...

Soccer Finale in Italy

Soccer Finale in Italy

For our last night of our abroad trip in Italy, we had bought tickets for Serie A soccer game in Rome. The match was between S.S. Lazio (the home team) and Sassuolo. Neither of the teams are...

Boat Adventure in Croatia

Boat Adventure in Croatia

Towards the end of our stay in Croatia, the entire study abroad group was scheduled for a boat ride in the Adriatic Sea. It was supposed to be our last group activity in Croatia before we left for...

First Day in Croatia

First Day in Croatia

I had initially heard of the Macroeconomics in Croatia/Italy study abroad program during the Fall Study Abroad Fair, and I was immediately interested. Not only was the course being taught necessary...

Off to Queenstown, New Zealand!

Off to Queenstown, New Zealand!

After some time in Australia, we headed to our first stop in New Zealand, Queenstown! Leading up to this part of the trip, I wasn’t actually that excited. I was dreading being in the cold weather...

Sydney and Auckland! My new favorite places!

Sydney and Auckland! My new favorite places!

Sydney!! Sydney was by far my favorite part of the Australia leg of the trip. The Opera house was even more amazing in person and the architecture and structure of it all was fascinating. The harbor...

Starting in Australia!

Starting in Australia!

The first leg of my trip began in Melbourne, Australia. I was lucky to have overall smooth sailing with all of my flights and my baggage made it intact. A full wrap around neck pillow saved me on...

Post 3: Upon Return

Post 3: Upon Return

By the last few days of the trip I was getting pretty homesick and could tell how excited I was to go home, see my family and my pets and sleep in my own bed. Now that I am home though, I already...