Meet Our 2021 Bama bloggers

jordan bee
Dance/Finance Spanish(MIN), Junior
Jordan is an Honors students studying at the University of Roehampton through CISAbroad for the Spring 2021 semester. She will be living in a dorm while in London. (hashtags greek life, dance, honors)

jackson burns
Political Science, Senior
More to Come!

ansley carr
Dance, Senior
More to Come!

Taylor daubin
Psychology, Sociology, Junior
Taylor is studying at John Cabot University in Rome, Italy. She is going through the affiliate program SAI for her Spring 2021 semester abroad. She will be living in a dorm for the semester. (Hashtags: ItalyAbroad)

derek fairburn
Economics, Senior
More to Come!

Joshua Flaejczk
Computer Science/Mathematics, Junior
Josh is an Honors students that is doing a direct-enroll program with the University College of Dublin in Dublin, Ireland. During his Spring 2021 semester, he will be living in a dorm on campus.

Bailey jennings
Social Work, Grad Student
More to Come!

Zoe Kaisharis
English, Senior
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kendal kosiek
Accounting, Senior
More to Come!

caroline krieger
Chemistry Philosophy (MIN), Senior
Caroline is an Honors students doing an exchange program at The University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland for the Spring 2021 semester. Caroline will be living in a dorm while abroad. This is also her first time abroad. (Hashtags: first time abroad, honors)

Sara LAng
English/History/Business, Junior
Sara is an Honors student who will be studying in Alicante, Spain with CEA for the Spring 2021 semester. She will be living in an off-campus apartment while in Spain.

alexis Nielson
Political Science, Senior
More to Come!

clay nunley
Mechanical Engineering, Senior
More to Come!

Jacob owens
Apparel and Textiles, Junior
More to Come!

Hannah renda
Secondary Education Lang. Arts, Sophomore
More to Come!

Anna Shoultz
Spanish, Creative Media (MIN) Global Cultural Perspectives (MIN), Senior
Anna is an Honors student studying through USAC in London for the Spring 2021 Semester. She will be living in an off-campus apartment while in London. This will be Anna’s 3rd time studying abroad with UA. (Hashtags: senior year, 3rd time abroad, creative media)

Zachary stutler
Finance, Senior
More to Come!

rachel truex
Elementary Education, Junior
More to Come!

Andrea Albus

Taylor andry
More to Come
More to Come!

sean atchison
More to Come!
More to Come!