A Few Tips for Travel during Study Abroad

 A Few Tips for Travel during Study Abroad

One of the most under-appreciated benefits of study abroad programs, particularly those based in Europe, are how easy and affordable it is to travel internationally on weekends and breaks. Here I will give a few tips as to how to make the most of this opportunity, a...

Safari Before I Go

Returning home from South Africa was honestly heartbreaking. I enjoyed my experience immensely and could not believe how quickly the time passed. I was so glad I was able to check off something that was on my bucket list since I was a little girl: going on a safari!!...
“It’s Time for Africa!”

“It’s Time for Africa!”

Alexa, play Africa by Toto. After preparing for this trip since August, three days of traveling and three passport stamps later… we finally made it to Livingstone, Zambia, Africa! Before arriving to Africa, I had this vision of what it would be like in my head....

Back to Reality

            Upon returning home I was really excited to be back. I was really ready to get some American food and get home to my family. As soon as the plane touched down in Atlanta, all I could think about was...

Life in South Africa

Upon arrival in South Africa I was still not sure what to expect. While driving from the airport to the hostel, I took in the gorgeous scenery of the skyline of the city. When I seen, this I thought, “maybe South Africa has more to offer than meets the eye.” The...
Cape Town, Great Town

Cape Town, Great Town

The contrast between Johannesburg and Cape Town is immense, but I value both experiences exponentially. Many parts of Cape Town could be described as ~boujee~. Our first stop was a high-class beachfront location. It was a starch difference between the people and...