Since coming to Stellenbosch, I have had a variety of amazing experiences. During our first week, we had an accelerated course examining the political history of South Africa with one of Stellenbosch’s best professors. Because the class size was so small, we were able to engage in deep discussions across a myriad of topics and issues. In many ways, the information I learned in South Africa is already helping me to see the circumstances we have in the United States from a different perspective. After we took a test and completed an essay about what we’ve learned, we moved on to the second course, Leadership and Management across Cultures. It’s been amazing so far, enabling us to put our readings and lessons into action by interacting with a community very different from our own back home. At the same time, we have also had ample time to enjoy the city of Stellenbosch. The food, people, and scenery work together seamlessly to make Stellenbosch a unique town. When I’m not studying, I love to take walks around this picturesque area. There are mountains located right next to town, so hiking is always a great option. All that exercise will likely be for naught though, because the amount ice cream locations in Stellenbosch is the most I’ve seen in my life! There’s no better way to end the day than a trip to Moro Ice Cream parlor or any of the dozens of dessert shops within a walkable distance of our hotel. Luckily, I still have a bit more than a week to partake in the splendor of this Eden. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to study abroad!