I have been studying abroad on a ship for the past three months and it has changed my life in every possible way. From meeting my best friends from around the globe to educating myself on a cultural level through various experiences in port, Semester at Sea is the best decision I have ever chosen. My first impression upon boarding the ship in Amsterdam was that I was a bit overwhelmed. There were so many emotions because I have been dreaming of doing this program for the past 4 years. Also, I came onto this ship without knowing anyone, which was terrifying, however, I quickly found my people. We began school starting day 3 upon arriving to the ship. Academics are much different than at my home campus and it is honestly difficult to stay motivation when you can literally watch dolphins jumping outside your classroom window. However, in country I have become more educated than I ever have been by emerging myself in these various cultures and meeting and conversing with the local people. So far, the most welcoming and loving culture I have learned the most from would be in Jordan. Right now, I am at sea on a ten day stretch in the Indian Ocean on my way to Mombasa, Kenya coming from Aqaba Jordan. I am so excited for what is to come in Kenya because I am going on a safari, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity. One of the biggest struggles I have encountered in the past 9 countries I have travelled to would be the language barrier. It wasn’t much of a problem in the European countries I went to. However, in Morocco and in Jordan I encountered several situations where I had a hard time communicating with locals. I only have 31 days left on my voyage, and I know all good things must come to an end. Truthfully, I miss home and my family and friends abundantly. My flight home is December 23rd, so I will be home just in time for Christmas. The memories I have made will last a lifetime. Semester at Sea gave me the world.