Go Abroad!

Go Abroad!

My study abroad trip went to London, and only half of the fun was the tours we did in the city. The actual classes my peers and I participated in each week were just as interesting. I originally wanted to go on this specific trip because of the course material. I am a...
Must see places

Must see places

One of my favorite parts about studying abroad is being able to travel to other places easily. I have traveled almost every weekend since studying in Barcelona. Since I also do an internship here, I have to be back for work on Monday morning which makes my weekends...
Life Across the Pond

Life Across the Pond

How my abroad experience has been so far: As someone who has traveled a lot, going to a different country is something that though I am familiar with, it’s always a new and fun experience. One thing I always forget about is that there is usually no air...
Making the Most

Making the Most

I have reached the end of my 21 days in London for my Forensic Psychology program, which is incredibly bittersweet. Succinctly put, I have enjoyed every second and learned so much. So, for this post, I want to explain how to truly appreciate and make the most of your...
Travel Tips

Travel Tips

I have been in London for a few weeks now and am enjoying it immensely! I thought I might share some things I wish I knew before coming, namely how to prepare for a long, international trip.  Pre-departure: Firstly, getting all your ducks in a row as early as...