One of my favorite things that I did while in London for my study abroad class was going to Westminster Abbey. I actually thought that the Palace of Westminster was Westminster Abbey, but I was wrong. The actual Westminster Abbey is behind the Palace of Westminster, and Big Ben. The outside doesn’t seem as grand, but when you go inside it is seriously beautiful. Every inch of the floor, ceiling, and walls were covered in historic art. Everywhere you looked there was a tribute or tomb for historical figures. My favorite sights were the tomb of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the College Gardens in the inside of the Abbey. One other section of Westminster Abbey that was really cool to see was the Pyx Chamber. The Pyx Chamber is the oldest part of the Abbey. It was really easy to miss too. The Pyx Chamber is in a side hallway, and the inside is complete stone. There are a few small wooden benches on the ground, and a small wooden cross hanging on the wall. You cannot go fully inside the Pyx Chamber, but you take turns standing on a small platform behind a massive wooden door. Apparently, it used to hold the Crown Jewels and other valuable items for Monarchs. Seeing tombs for monarchs that were a thousand years old and held the earliest kings of England was a strange experience. It felt like I took a step into a history book page, and I’d love to go again.