Leaving for Italy

Leaving for Italy

To prepare to go to Italy I was researching Italian clothing style and their culture to find the do’s and don’ts. I was researching the areas I would be in the most or that I would be going to and also the weather in Italy. My packing so far has been mostly the basic...
Off the Beaten Path

Off the Beaten Path

Although the prospect of studying abroad is exciting, preparing for the things you want to do and see on your trip can be beyond daunting. Before leaving for Italy, my TikTok was filled with recommendations for restaurants, leather and jewelry shops, gelaterias and...
Preparing for Italy

Preparing for Italy

If I was to tell myself one year ago that I would be in my final hours before departing to study abroad in multiple towns in Italy I wouldn’t believe it at first due to all of the covid-related restrictions, costs, and just how big of an opportunity this is. I...
Perché Italia?

Perché Italia?

When I decided to declare a minor in Italian, the first question many people asked was “Why?” And why one decides to do something is rarely followed by a simple answer. However; just this once, the answer was relatively easy. My great grandparents and...

Pre- Italy Trip

I am so excited for this trip. I am studying abroad in Florence Italy, and I can’t wait to leave. 13 days left and I am getting all the final paperwork pulled together and starting to pack! This experience will be amazing I just know it. I get to meet family I...

The Return

The last leg of my journey led me to Venice, Verona, and finally seeing a live opera production! Our trip to Venice was too short, but the taste we got was delightful. It is a stunning city with a fascinating history and even more fascinating architecture. Verona,...

The Weeks Fly By

I’m entering my third week in Italy, and I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown! My roommate pointed out today that we really have done so much in so little time. Last week, we visited a 500-year-old Tuscan villa that is still used for events and...


Simple phrases like “ciao,” “per favore,” and “grazie” can get you far in a tourist center like Florence. I’ve been in Italy for almost a week now, and I’m starting to get used to the rhythm of the city. Although this is...