Preparing for Pamplona

I have always been a chronic over-packer. Whether I’m leaving for a week or a semester, I cannot manage to pack efficiently. I know I don’t need 8 pairs of shoes and 12 different dresses for a 5 week trip, but I can’t help but think of (and prepare for) all the...

Bama in El Escorial!

Welcome to week 3 at El Escorial! I have officially completed 15 days in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain. It’s a small town about a 40 minute bus ride from Madrid, and home to one of Spain’s most well-known historic sites El Real Monasterio de San...


Day 2 in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, and I already know I need more time than 27 days. 12 hours and 24 minutes. That was the calculated time of my flights and layovers from Mobile to Atlanta and finally to Madrid. Leaving at 3:00 pm and arriving at 3 am Alabama time...