by Madison F. | Dec 6, 2024 | All Year, Arts & Sciences, Asia, Exchange, Law
When I decided to study abroad, I knew I wanted to go all in. I didn’t want my experience to feel like a vacation but a complete immersion into a different culture. So, without a second thought, I committed to a full year in an exchange program in Seoul. I chose...
by Ava N. | Jul 16, 2024 | Arts & Sciences, Asia, Exchange, Semester, _
With both of my hands grasped tightly around the rusty metal rail, I gazed down upon the rocks scattered far across the coastline and the waves that engulfed them. A small island floated in the distance. The sun’s light caused the ocean to sparkle with the confidence...
by Blaize N. | May 29, 2024 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Exchange, Law, Semester, _
There are so many wonderful memories and experiences that I have gained from spending a semester abroad, but the best of all of them has been the opportunity to reconnect with my family that lives in Europe. I come from a very large family that is spread out through...
by Sage M. | May 22, 2024 | Engineering, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
by Sage M. | May 22, 2024 | Engineering, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
My adventures so far while studying at Hochschule Esslingen in Germany.
by Chaney | May 13, 2024 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
Chaney Scott M. Whether solo traveling or with a group, it’s important to be safe while traveling. Prior preparation and budget sites can make a trip much easier. After arriving January 2 to...
by Chaney | Apr 18, 2024 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
Picturing Scotland can conjure up images of rolling green golf courses, tartan kilts, bagpipes or haggis. Scotland is known for all these cultural hallmarks, as well as their unique dialect stemming from English, Scots, and Gaelic. These are the three most common...
by Chaney | Apr 18, 2024 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
My name is Chaney Scott and I am an exchange student for the semester at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Through the semester, I have been extremely fortunate to travel around Europe. My favorite cities have been Edinburgh, Vienna, Belfast and Lisbon. While...
by Ava N. | Apr 18, 2024 | Arts & Sciences, Asia, Exchange, Semester, _
Embarking on a study abroad journey is an exhilarating experience, but the overwhelming task of packing can cast a shadow on the excitement. As someone who tends to overpack, my preparation for a semester-long exchange in Seoul, South Korea taught me valuable lessons...
by Blaize N. | Apr 18, 2024 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Exchange, Law, Semester, _
Today marks one month since I moved to Bristol, UK for my student exchange program between Bama Law and UWE Bristol Law School. It has been absolutely wonderful experience, and I am so happy that I had the courage and determination to make this dream a reality. This...
by Sage M. | Apr 18, 2024 | Engineering, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
by Erin E | Sep 20, 2023 | Australia/New Zealand, Engineering, Exchange, Semester, _
I chose to study abroad in Australia for its beautiful nature, but I did not realize that what I would miss most were the people. Upon arriving in Australia, I met a group of international friends—two Canadians, one Turk, one Brit, and way too many Europeans. I hung...
by Erin E | Sep 20, 2023 | Australia/New Zealand, Engineering, Exchange, Semester, _
I decided to go to Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia for my study abroad. Here are some things I fell in love with about the area of Brisbane: For my semester, I lived in the city, one block away from my campus. My campus was on a peninsula...
by Josh F | Sep 12, 2023 | All Year, Arts & Sciences, Europe, Exchange
Hi, so this makes my second blog for my time abroad in Spring 2021, however this is the first time the site and my login info has worked for me. For anyone reading, I can give a brief...
by Johnathan A | Sep 11, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester
I’m now two weeks removed from Leicester and now that I’ve torn through my pictures for the 7th or 8th time, I’m starting to really appreciate even more the last 6 months and what they have done for me. Like most students who have the privilege of...
by Margaret J | Jul 21, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
by Margaret J | Jul 21, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Honors College, Semester, _
by Piper | Jul 17, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Human Environmental Sciences, Semester
After spending 5 months abroad in Germany, I am finally done with my travels and settled back home. My time abroad felt so short, and I already miss it and all the people I got to know. It honestly feels almost surreal to be back, from remembering I don’t have to pay...
by Margaret J | Jun 16, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
by Dy'Qwan L | May 11, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Exchange, Semester, _
As my final days here in France comes to a end I am having overwhelming feelings of nostalgia and sadness. Recapping and reminiscing on the first day that I arrived I can see that my view of myself and the world have changed drastically. I was submerged into a new...