Next Stop, China!

So it’s getting down to the wire and I have about 5 hours until I leave for the airport. If you would have asked me three years ago when I began college, or even about 6 months ago in the middle of my junior year if I saw myself studying abroad I would have said...

Access to Information

Access to information in Cuba worked a little differently than in the United States for several reasons. I quickly learned to appreciate how easily I was able to access information in the United States. In Cuba, at least where we stayed in Miramar, internet was only...

“How was the food?”

One of the first things people ask me about Cuba is “how was the food?” I didn’t really have any idea of what Cuban food might be like before traveling to Cuba, although I had heard there is an abundance of organic fruits and vegetables. I was completely right!...

Being Back

Coming back to the United States from Cuba has definitely been a culture shock, more so than I had anticipated. One of the weirdest things was turning off the part of my brain that uses Spanish that had been exercised every single day in Cuba. Even now, less than two...

My Airplane Essentials

The semester is officially over, which means I have two months before the start of my study abroad trip in Oxford, England. How exciting is that? What I’m not so excited about, however, is the long flight. The flight to London is about eight hours, so I’ll...


Right now, the best state to describe myself in is limbo. The inbetween place. The between state of an ending school year and beginning an adventure in Barcelona. Its a good place to be though. Its a place of preparation, excitement, and anticipation. Having planned...

Nearly Two Months In…

Hello everyone! This is my first blog post on Bamabloggers abroad, but I couldn’t be more excited to share what I have encountered and learned so far with y’all. First and foremost, my name is Katie, and I am currently living in Kyoto, Japan. My university...

Arrivederci Italia

I cannot believe I am already packing my bags and preparing for finals. In some ways it seems like I just left the United States but in other ways it feels like I have been gone forever and have no idea what songs are even popular at home. Luckily I have all summer to...