My second blog post will be about two incredible excursions we have taken in the last two weeks: Lake Constance and Neuschwanstein. Both of these day trips were huge selling points for the program itself, and I was thrilled to get to see the contrasting landscapes of a beautiful lake and gorgeous mountains.
Our class took a short train ride out of Ravensburg to Friedrichshafen, a city sitting on Lake Constance, which itself borders Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. From ground level, you could see the mountain ranges of the Swiss Alps in the distance. Though it was somewhat cloudy that day, the clouds occasionally broke up to reveal the snowy peaks. We rented paddle boats on the lake and basked in the sun, later enjoying lunch and shopping in the city. The best part of Lake Constance was being out on the water, even if it was a little bit chilly itself. Sunny and warm weather, seemingly a rarity in Germany, made for a beautiful and relaxing day out of the classroom.

Our second excursion, to Neuschwanstein Castle, was my favorite of the two. The famous 19th century castle was absolutely magnificent, the view from up top surveying the rolling hills below and the mountains and lakes to the side. Aside from a remarkable scenic landscape, the history attached to the castle itself was more than interesting for a history major like myself. Inside the castle was architecture and decor of utmost majesty and grandeur, fit for a king! Neuschwanstein was simply incredible, and a must-see for anyone visiting Bavaria.

Altogether, I have had an amazing time exploring these wonderful landmarks with my awesome classmates, and I know I speak for all of us when I say these excursions have been the greatest points of our study abroad program so far. Until next time, tschüss!