Coming into college, I never really thought about studying abroad, but my freshman year I saw there was an opportunity to study Macro Economics in Croatia and Italy. This immediately appealed to be because if I was going to study abroad, I wanted to be able to take a class that would count for class credit. With the Macro Economics in Croatia and Italy program being a UA Faculty Lead program, this was the perfect opportunity for me to study abroad. I applied to the program at the end of first semester of my sophomore year when the applications came out. Throughout the year I tried to become as prepared as possible by watching different videos about what to wear and what to expect. This way I would somewhat be able to understand where I was going and what to expect. As I packed, I made sure to think of simple pieces that could be mixed in many different ways this way I could pack as little as possible, but still have enough to get me through the trip. We were also informed beforehand that we would have washers which was definitely a benefit to know you would have access along the way. We were also provided with a schedule beforehand which was very helpful when knowing what to pack and what to expect while traveling. I also provided the schedule to my family so they would be able to know where I am and what I would be during the day since communication would be somewhat difficult with the 7-hour time difference.