I saw work I only dreamed if seeing while traveling through Italy. I spent so many years studying and analyzing this work, but I never thought I would ever see it in person. Work like Judith Beheading Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi or Caravaggio. Seeing the Creation of Adam in person nearly took my breath away. The Sistine Chapel is considered he best example of Renaissance art but I wasn’t prepared for the feeling I would get when I walked in. the actual Chapel itself was smaller than I imagined. People are jammed inside just trying to take it in. While you are in there you are supposed to remain silent, no photos, just take it all in. Many people where not quiet while they were in there and tried to sneak pictures, I found that part really funny. No sneaky iPhone photo could compare to the real thing or even the high-definition photos you can find online. Even with all that going on I tunnel-visioned into the work, craning my neck just to see everything. We only got about 20 minutes to be in the chapel and I took every second I was allowed. I slowly moved my way from front to back, mostly trying to see the Creation of Adam at every angle possible. As I stood in complete awe, I hear my name out of nowhere. It was someone form my group telling me everyone has already left the chapel and made their way down the stairs to the exit. I thought I only been in there for a couple minutes, but I was more like 20. This trip has been a dream come true!