My semester abroad is almost over; there are less than two weeks left. This has been an absolutely wild, once-in-a-lifetime experience which I am extremely grateful for. While I am sad that my time in Spain is coming to a close, it will be refreshing to return home to see friends and family.

London was my favorite of the two cities, but I am sure it helped that I was back in a primarily English-speaking country for the first time in nearly three months. Throughout the entire trip, I discovered so much history and so many cool places. I especially enjoyed the castles and palaces we visited. Leeds and Versailles were the best of the bunch, in my opinion, because they had beautiful scenery to go along with the intimidating structures.

The past few weeks since that trip, my focus has mostly been on the upcoming final exams. I just took my first one this past week, my Spanish speaking exam. In one of my classes, Corporate Finance, we were required to complete a final project as opposed to an exam, which my group and I have just about finished. Now, all that is left is my Spanish writing and Spanish slang exams.

Once I have wrapped up my school for the semester, I have a celebratory trip planned to Palma, Mallorca in the Balearic Islands, off the coast of Spain. It will be a fitting end to such a crazy trip as I take the opportunity to relax and enjoy my last few days abroad.