Today marks exactly three weeks until I will be back in the United States. At this point in my program, I am beginning to be ready to be home. Sometimes when I feel like this, I feel a little guilty because I know that I am so fortunate to be given this opportunity and have loved every minute, but I am starting to miss things like my family, friends, food, and just a sense of normalcy. After talking with other people in my program, and my family I have learned that this feeling is completely normal, and I am not the only one feeling like this.

Many people tell you that studying abroad is the most fun you will have but fail to tell you that you will be the busiest you have ever been, and it really runs you down a little. I have traveled a lot since being abroad and although it is so much fun, it begins to get very chaotic.

My best advice to persevere through these thoughts and feelings is to just take some time to yourself. Whether it is an afternoon, day, or even a weekend, take the time. Make the calls home to friends or family that will lift your spirits and make you excited again. Also maybe take a visit to somewhere in your city that reminds you of home. Whether that be a place, park, coffee shop, or restaurant go there. For me, my call was to my mom and best friend and it really raised my spirits. They helped me realize that it was normal to be feeling this way and made me even more excited to not only come home but also make the most out of my last few weeks in this amazing place. Luckily I also found a great place in Rome that serves all “American” food, everything from burgers, bagels, cheesecake, and my personal favorite iced coffee! Just the perfect slice of home to get me through the last few weeks!