When studying abroad it’s easy to get wrapped up in the chaos of scrambling to book weekend trips, trying to check off as many countries as possible, and forgetting how special the country you live in is. I definitely struggled with this when first arriving abroad. My roommates and I were constantly planning and packing for our next trip. I found myself arriving back in my host city on a Sunday night and leaving on Thursday, cramming in school, homework, and sleep into the three full days home I had. However, now that I have less than a month left of my study abroad experience I’ve realized I’m missing out on exploring the city I live in. So for the past two weeks I’ve made it my goal to take time to enjoy this city: finding new restaurants, sitting in public parks, and by far my favorite way to explore, walking around new areas. Doing this has greatened my appreciation and gratitude for the city I live in. I’ve found new places that I would never have found if I didn’t set out time to walk around. I’m grateful that I realized this with enough time left in the semester. I constantly remind myself that balance is key! It isn’t necessary to travel every weekend to have a satisfying abroad experience. There is so much to see right where you are! So my advice for any student planning to study abroad is don’t take for granted the city you’re living in. Some of my best memories have been in my home city with the friends I have made.