Wrapping up accounting study abroad in Europe, we took a day trip to Bruges, Belgium, from Paris. It is a beautiful city, we took a bus there in the morning and had to get out and walk around the city. It is surrounded by water, and there are no cars in the city. We started the day by getting breakfast at a Belgian waffle place; it was very good. We spent some time walking around the city and then took a boat tour around all the canals within the city. The boat tour was fun and took about 30 minutes. We walked to the city’s museum office and bought tickets to climb the Belfry of Bruges, where the picture is from. It was a very hard climb as the staircases get very narrow near the top and there’s no railing you have to pull yourself up by a rope and some of the stairs were 1 ft tall. The view near the top was amazing and you could see all the way to the Port of Antwerp Bruges. After coming down the Belfry, there was a market setup near the main town square. We got some great food, and they had a massive truck just filled with very good food in the middle that I posted a picture of. We finished up the day with a segway tour that Dr. Lopez organized for us. It was hard to maneuver on the segway at first but as we made it around the city it got better. We stopped at an old church & the windmills on the river around the city.