It's June 18th and I just arrived at the airport to start my 12-hour flight home. Unfortunately flying back home adds more time than when I was flying to London. We left the hotel at 6 am sharp so I had to wake up at 5:20 am because I saved my packing for the last minute as always. Even before we got to the airport, we had to say bye to some of the group. Some people were extending their trip which I regret not doing. I wish I would’ve thought about extending my trip and traveling a little more while I was already abroad. Throughout the day more and more people trickled from the group. We all had different flights at different times and some people were in completely different terminals. It was sad to leave everyone after getting so close the past 2 weeks and spending every day together, but I was also very excited to go home. The past 2 weeks have been such an amazing experience that I will forever be grateful for. It was so eye-opening to compare the US with the UK, especially the legal systems. Knowing this new information about the UK, makes me want to take it back to the US and find ways to improve your legal/criminal justice systems. I had such an amazing time getting to know the group I was with as well as the country’s history. Some of my favorite experiences must be the London dungeon, the Jack the ripper tour, and the clink prison restaurant. All these specific experiences allowed me to gain a new perspective on different legal subjects. I’ve learned so much about the corrections systems and how they are so different than in the US. I’ve also learned that my interest in corrections is stronger than I thought it was. I was also able to form a great connection with my professor which is something I don’t think I could’ve done in an on-campus class full of at least 100 kids. Having a group of about 20 allowed me to get the time to get to know my professor and form a connection that I can carry out through the rest of my education. I can’t wait to get home and tell everyone about me once in a lifetime experience and to convince everyone to do the same. Studying abroad was not only a great experience but it also will look good on my resume which is just a small bonus out of the entirety of the trip. I’ve gained so much knowledge and experience I can’t wait to go on another study-abroad trip. I’m also excited to see everyone on the trip once we all get back to Alabama. I was nervous going on this trip not knowing anyone, but I wasn’t the only one actually no one knew each other so it was so easy to make friends and I had no reason to be nervous at all. I’m grateful for the memories I’ll keep for a lifetime and the new friends I’ve made along the way.