The European Innovation Academy starts in two days and I could not be more excited. This has already been an amazing summer and I have gotten to do a lot of cool things and meet a lot of great people. After graduating in May, literally the next day, I drove to Atlanta to catch my flight to Washington, DC for my internship that wrapped up two weeks ago. After a quick weekend trip home and then back to DC for July 4th celebrations, I packed my bags and flew to Europe to begin my travels. I flew to London where I spent a couple of days before taking the train down to Paris for a day before finally flying to Portugal this morning. Since this was my first time overseas (and abroad at all), I wanted to make the most of it. Now, I am all checked into our amazing living facilities here in Porto and I have a couple of days before programming starts. I’ve already made a trip to the grocery store, Pingo Doce, where everything was in Portugese so that was a learning experience, but somehow so much fun. I realized within minutes of being in Paris that it was my first time being in a non-English speaking country, but I am excited to spend three weeks here in Porto. Now that I have gotten my fridge stocked, laundry done, and am knocking out other to-dos like homework, I am ready to settle in and make the most of what’s in store for the coming weeks!