After my program in Athens, Greece my family flew up from Florida to meet me in Portugal. I spent about a week there before I came back to the U.S. But before I went home I visited my girlfriend in New York. We visited the city many times and also on my last day there we went to a Yankees game, then I flew back home to florida. I've been back home for around a week now and I have just been seeing old friends and eating at my favorite places. I had so much fun over my study abroad trip and the people I met there will always be friends of mine. My teachers played a major role in how I enjoyed my experience. They both were great and because the classes were so small they always had time for one on one talks and questions. After my classes were over I left Athens that night the flight wasn't bad it very quick because I was just flying to Portugal. This experience is one I wont forget im so grateful that I was able to do this. I have traveled all my life but never have done something like this, I learned so much about greek culture and how the people there live. I got to met so many amazing locals and went to so many places I wouldn't have known about unless i met these people. Many of the now want to come to the states and visit. Overall this trip was amazing and I highly recommend studying abroad in greece or even just traveling there.