Hi my name is Lily Soellner, I am currently studying abroad in London, England doing a Forensic Psychology course. I chose to study abroad because I have never been out of the country and this course was everything I was looking for. This is a faculty led program and my teacher's job title is one I was always interested in, and I knew I could get hands on experience/advice from someone who had the job description I wanted to pursue. I could ask her as many questions as I wanted. Some things I had to consider before going abroad was the money differences and making sure I had a card and cash to bring with me. Mostly simple things but I have never traveled alone before and had to prepare myself to take on the long flights and making sure I got where I needed to be. Overall, this was an exciting decision for me that I most likely will experience just this once but I'm glad I did it because I can learn so much and do it with fellow classmates that share similar majors but also similar goals to further ourselves intellectually and physically into our new futures.