Lily Soellner

I decided to do Forensic Psychology in London this summer right after I finished my freshman year of Alabama. This was the best choice I could've made. My first impressions of London was, "Oh my gosh I'm not a city person this is weird". I was not used to riding trains "tubes" and being around a lot of people all the time. Where I'm from I live more in the country and big gatherings are usually at events and we don't have as busy streets and live more secluded than the city where I'm from which is still 35 minutes away. I loved the walking aspect of going on this trip it's nice to see everything on foot and going in and out of stores and seeing all the life the city had to offer.  When I first arrived I couldn't get over the accents people had and honestly I still couldn't through the rest of the trip. I wasn't used to it but I loved it. Hearing peoples accents and being in a different atmosphere even people driving on the opposite side of the road, it made me realize how much I don't know about the world. When you live in one place your whole life you realize how small you live and what else the world has to offer. The food was also very surprising. Everything is healthier and has a wide variety of flavors. This trip makes me want to travel as much as I can. I've learned so much about the Criminal Justice system in the UK compared to the U.S. I am forever grateful for this trip and the experience and especially Jennifer Cox who led our trip. She is very knowledgeable and created the best experience I could've asked for. 
