You may be thinking how are you going to feel after abroad? I've talked to some of my fellow classmates upon our return of our trip. Some were excited to be home like myself and others didn't wa

nt to leave. It's all a personal experience but in my case I haven't spent that much time away from home besides college. I also faced some anxiety with the airport and finding my way around. Well it's expected I was traveling alone by myself for the first time in a brand new country. My first time out of the country. But overall, the transition worked out for me. There was one day I really wanted to go home mid trip but, as soon as I hung out with my classmates and continued the abroad it went away. It's normal to have these feelings while away. It's important to keep in contact with your family and friends so you can experience new things on your own whilst also having a connection to wherever your from. It is good to know if you are on a faculty led trip they completely understand and will be there for you. It is good to know if you are feeling worrisome and a feeling of going home know you will eventually and there will be moments you might wonder why you decided to go, but it is so worth it in the end. These abroad we get to go on are usually once in a lifetime and should be treasured. I highly recommend bringing home souvenirs and taking lots of pictures. And, continue those friendships you make on the trip back to your college. Some of those friendships can mean a lot and you can meet so many new people.