The Factors

When studying abroad there is a plethora of factors to decide over. Where should I go? What do I want to learn while I am there? What culture do I want to immerse myself in? What is my price range? Do I want to participate in a class or an internship? The are all important things to consider when deciding which program/location is right for you. With this in mind I chose Barcelona, Spain. Known for a historic culture, a massive business presence in Europe, and a legendary soccer (futbol) club.

Culture and Business

At the end of the 1st century BC, the Romans founded a small colony named Barkeno. With this in mind there is over 2000 years of history, architecture, and tradition in the old city. From Gaudi to Picasso, there is much to take in while in Barcelona. For me with my rudimentary Spanish, the primary language there is Catalan, and love for a rich culture. Barcelona was one of the handful of locations I considered at first glance. But as I dove deeper into what I wanted and what was best for the course I needed as well. Barcelona is stoked in a large business culture due to their location being a connection point in Europe. I am an International Business minor, and the fit to Barcelona seemed like the perfect match. So, with all these in mind it made sense for me to study there. I’ll be in the perfect environment for my degree, with plenty of time to practice my Spanish, and a chance to catch a La Liga game. I personally couldn’t ask for an adventure more fitted to wanted I wanted to experience and see.