My program ended May 28th and looking back at my time in Europe it seemed to go by so quickly, yet still feel like I was gone for years. Although the program was only 15 days long it is crazy how many special bonds and friendships you can create. Our farewell dinner was so sad, having to say goodbye and part ways with many people I had just met and became such good friends with.

It was truly our Professor, Dr. Lopez, that made this trip one of a kind. He crafted the best itinerary out there and treated us like adults. Dr. Pollard also accompanied us on the trip and it was a delight getting to know them both a little more. Although it was sad seeing the trip come to an end there are some things I was extremely looking forward to back in America. First of all, normal iced coffee. I am a coffee addict and the iced drinks in Europe just aren’t the same. Also, as much as I loved the cuisine there, I do miss an occasional Chipotle or Chick-fil-a night. Overall, I missed my parents dearly. It was more difficult than I thought staying in touch because of the time change. Being 8 hours ahead proved as a challenge for staying in touch with friends and family.

This was a once in a lifetime adventure and I am so grateful I was able to go on it. I learned so much about other cultures, about myself, and most importantly, about International Financial Reporting Standards. This trip pushed me to be patient, open, accepting, and inclusive. I can truly say that I walked away from this trip and program a better person than when I first got there.