This trip has been one of a kind. I have met so many new people and had great experiences. In this picture, we had dinner on a rooftop with an overview of the acropolis and got to see the sunset. We have been exploring all around Greece not just Athens. We have also been to Santorini and Aegina Island. Both have been beautiful and full of life with amazing nature, food, and especially the people. I have never felt more welcome in a country than here in Greece. One thing that shocked me is how much free stuff they give you, whenever you get a meal they always bring out either nuts or chips. They also will give you free items in a store if you have a good conversation with them and provide them company. I have made so many Greek friends just by talking to them around school. We always invite them out with us, without them we wouldn't know all the local places that they love. This makes the trip feel more personal and makes me think im intagrating with the culture. The locals are what make this country so beautiful they are so kind to Americans and all foreigners. My teachers here at school speak very good English and are understanding of us and our culture. My international business professor is my favorite teacher that i have had in college. We always have good conversations and he responds to my question in class with great responses. My classes are super small here I only have about 15 kids in my classes and most of them are Greeks. Only about 4 kids in my class are American, so it really makes you see how they view school and how important it is to them. I will keep all of you updated after I get back and share more of my stories.

-Hayden Liller