My day trip to London had to be one of my favorite days on the trip by far! It has always been my dream to visit London since I was little. My Uncle was stationed in London for a brief time while serving as a Dentist in the Air Force, and at that time many of my cousins were born in London before I had ever met them. When I was able to finally meet them and hear all the wonderful things they said about London, I knew I had to go visit someday. I have been researching the Royal Family for as long as I can remember, and walking up to Buckingham Palace was such an eye opening experience for me! The picture I have uploaded is me in front of the Main Street that leads to Buckingham Palace. I smiled all day and was so happy to see many landmarks that I have heard about my entire life. I cannot wait to go back one day and experience the city in more depth since my group only had one day to see everything! Our entire group was able to see the entire city from the top of the London Eye! That was also such a surreal experience for me, especially with so many close friends that I have come to love and admire so much. I am looking forward to going back to London very soon and getting to see everything in more depth and detail! I will be back London!