There is something for everyone in London, England whether you are looking to catch a play, walk through a museum, people watch, or are royal obsessed, London covers all the bases. I took the train from Paris, France to London which took around 2 hours via the Eurostar. I recommend getting to the train station early to have enough time to get through customs since you are leaving the EU. I saw a few people running and it did not look fun. When I arrived, I immediately took the Tube (the subway) to Green Park and walked to Buckingham Palace before it became busy with tourists. I was surprised when I walked up to the palace because it looked much smaller than I thought it would, however, it was stunning. The gates surrounding the structure are accented with gold emblems and across the street is an ornate statue/fountain that gives you a great photo opportunity. From there, I walked to Trafalgar Square and stopped at Pret a Manger for a quick bite to eat. This was the first time I had eaten at a Pret, but I had heard about it from friends who have traveled to London, and let me tell you, it was totally worth it. The grab-and-go sandwiches are delicious, and the endless pastries and other sweets must end up in your order or you’re missing out. I sat and ate my sandwich in the Square and watched the city begin to fill with locals and tourists. Afterward, I purchased tickets for a hop-on hop-off bus since I had limited time in the city and there was a lot of ground to cover. The trip took about 2 hours and took you all over London and I thought it was a great way to see all the big sites without spending time walking between all of them. Upon completing the tour, I walked around Piccadilly Circus and then went on the hunt to find some fish and chips because when in London, right? I found a retro diner called Poppies which was incredible and a great option if you’re in Soho. After Poppies, I made my way to The British Museum to look at the ancient Egypt exhibit which houses the Rosetta Stone. The museum is free if you want to see its permanent exhibits but beware it is usually packed with tour groups so give yourself enough time to see everything. Finally, I walked back to the train station to catch my 7 pm train back to Paris but I had to stop before and get Sour Cream and Onion Pringles because they are a million times better than the ones in the States, trust me. There is so much more I want to see in London so I guess that means I will be planning a trip back ASAP.