I decided to go on this study-abroad trip about eight months ago. Ever since then, I have been over the moon excited to go! This experience will be one that I will never forget. Not only are we going to Europe, but we are going to the most popular countries and cities that are there. My favorite spot is most likely going to be in Normandy France because that is where D-Day occurred, and I am a big history person! Although I say that will be my favorite part, I will not be shocked if something I didn't think I was going to enjoy would be my favorite. There are no days that I am dreading or think will not be as fun because each and every aspect of the trip is historical and fun in its own way! I am most nervous about the language and not understanding what most people are saying, but I know that with some practice and being in that atmosphere, I will pick up on it quickly and will gain a much better understanding of the language and the overall experience! I just graduated from Undergrad about 3 days ago, so this trip has been a super fun one that I can reward myself for the work I put in on the front end. As an added bonus this will count towards graduate school for my degree! I am keeping an open mind about the entire trip because I know it will be nothing that I have ever experienced, but I am excited to learn about new cultures and new experiences around the world!