The International Financial Reporting study abroad program I am currently on spends one week in Athens, Greece and another week in Paris, France. Aside from our days of class and days booked with excursions as a class, we have a handful of free days with the freedom to travel around Europe with the limitation of having to be back by that same night. Santorini, Greece has been a place I have wanted to travel to for as long as I can remember and the pictures of this town look like something out of a movie. On one of my free days in Athens, Greece I decided to travel there for the day along with several of my classmates. The experience was everything I could have dreamed it would be. We started the day out by eating breakfast at a restaurant with an overlook view of the entire city and the ocean surrounding the island. The sight was absolutely breathtaking. After breakfast, we walked around the town viewing all the beautiful houses on the island and visited many shops buying souvenirs for ourselves and our families. During our walk down the steps to the ocean, we came across a group of donkeys and decided to pay to ride them back up the steps. The donkey experience was honestly hilarious and something I will never forget. Of course I got the donkey with the most attitude that made me think he was going to throw me off! To finish off the day before our flight back, we went to restaurant for dinner that had an amazing view and tasty ravioli. This addition to my trip is something I will forever be grateful that I had the opportunity to partake in and will forever be impressed I was able to wake up for my 4 am flight.