I am currently writing to you from Athens, Greece, going on 25 hours with no sleep! This is the first stop of many on my study abroad trip. I will be taking an International Financial Reporting Standards class over roughly 2 and a half weeks. As previously mentioned, I am in Athens Greece, however we will be traveling to Paris, France about halfway through the trip. I chose this trip not only because of the places we are going, but also because I want to work overseas for a couple years when I am older, so I felt this class would be most beneficial for me and best prepare me for that opportunity. Speaking of preparation, I have never been so unprepared for a trip before. Usually I am the type of person to plan out what I’m doing for every day that I am on a trip. However, for this trip I have absolutely nothing planned other than what my professor has on the itinerary. As I am writing this post, I am helping my friends plan out what we are going to do in our free days abroad. When it came to packing, I was packed and ready to go the Monday before we left. I kind of had to though since I was moving out of my house, otherwise I probably would have been packing the night before. Don’t get me wrong though, I still had to do quite a bit of last minute shopping on Wednesday and Thursday. I’m not going to lie, packing was very difficult since I had to pack for 2 locations with very different climates. Unfortunately my suitcase was overweight, however the baggage agent did not charge me for it! Leading up to the trip, I was definitely more nervous and stressed than excited. I just felt there was so much to do to prepare for this trip on top of final exams and moving out of my house. Now that I am here and got the long flight out of the way, I am super excited to plan out my free days. Although, I am extremely tired right now. From this experience, I obviously hope to learn more about IFRS, but I also am looking forward to exploring Greece, France, and also a little bit of London! I want to explore as much as I can while I’m here and learn about the history behind these beautiful countries, while also enjoying some new cuisine!

The photo above is of a pedestrian street lined with authentic Greek restaurants and shops.