Before I go on my study abroad trip my biggest concern was, what am I going to pack. The most important things that I can not forget are my ID and my passport, then everything else comes next. I do have experience traveling in my life because I am a military kid so I have lived overseas before. I know that some people when they study abroad they are nervous for the flight and scared about traveling alone. But for me this all comes naturally, so if you do plan on studying abroad and never have been overseas before my tip would be just be aware of you surroundings and your belongings because you can't always trust people. I have been to a country and in the airport they tried scamming me and my family and almost had us arrested, so it is always a good idea to know who you are talking to and be aware of their body language. Well now that I am 24 hours away from my flight I have been double checking my bags and my suitcases making sure I have everything. Im super excited to start my classes, i will be taking 2 (International Business and Marketing). Both of these classes are required for my major and my minor. Also for my minor I have to study abroad so it works out great because I get to study in another country and get to check another box for my minor. What im expecting to gain out of this experience is meeting great people, explore and learn more about a country ive never been to and learn about international business and marketing.