This week has been the most transformative week of my life. Panama is beautiful. The people are kind and friendly and everyone has been receptive to our group. Ciudad del Saber (our travel company) guided us through the entire process. We have visited 10-15 businesses across Panamá, including Nestlé, AmCham, and Pandora. Yes, that famous jewelry company.

Traveling was a very long process. We left Tuscaloosa at 9 AM on Saturday, drove to Atlanta’s airport, and then flew out in the afternoon. We arrived in Panamá around 9 PM. The biggest struggle the first night was navigating the area and communicating with people in a different language. Even though I’m still a Spanish beginner, I have seen my Spanish speaking skills improve as I interact with restaurant employees and Uber drivers. I’m learning and growing more every day and I look forward to what happens next!