Let’s recap this amazing day. On Monday we had a really busy day. We woke up at 7am and had to leave the dorm at 8am. We started our day by visiting Copa Airline. Copa Airline is Panama’s main source of transportation in the air. Next we went to Pandora, the jewelry company. Panama serves all of Latin America business when it comes to Pandora. Pandora manufacturing company is based in Thailand. Pandora marketing skills are amazing. They really analyze their data to see what works for the company and what does not work. After all the business meetings were over we had the opportunity to really explore Panama. We went to the new city called Panama Nuevo. It was so beautiful. We had a tour guide to take us on a tour. She gives us really detailed information. We saw one of the churches they have. They were able to save some of the architects from the old city which was destroyed by pirates. There was people who made customized bags from their bare hands. Just so happened they had a red and white elephant. When I seen it I had to have it. Below you will see a picture of a piece of landscape at the Panama Nuevo. The sky always looks so beautiful there at any time of the day.