At 3 AM tomorrow I begin my long journey to Belize City, a trip which I have been looking forward to since I decided to try study abroad back in December. Of all the trips available through UA study abroad, Belize stood out as the ideal destination. Not only do I get to snorkel in a tropical paradise for three weeks, but I also earn 6 credit hours toward my geography minor (which helps to justify the cost of the trip).
Preparing for the trip has been much simpler than it would be for other places. Belizeans speak English and accept US Dollars, so I won’t have to worry about currency exchange or learning some of the local language The only difficulty so far has been trying to cram my flippers into my suitcase!
Although I won’t have an exact schedule until I arrive in Belize, I do have a general idea of what I have to look forward to. My time will mostly be spent on Lime Caye and South Water Caye in the Belize barrier reef. We will be snorkeling almost every day to collect data for our research projects, which we will decide on when we get to the islands. I don’t have much experience snorkeling and hope to use the opportunity to see things I never have before.
I’m a little nervous to begin my travels in the morning, but looking forward to learning lots about the regional cultures, geography, and wildlife. A trip like this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I plan to make the most of.