This summer, I have the opportunity to complete a study abroad requirement via a virtual learning setting. I am working as an intern for Maybank one of the largest banking institutions in the Asian Market. Coming into college, studying abroad and gaining a general understanding and appreciation for different countries and cultures was of upmost importance for me. I believe communication is at the forefront of all interactions, both business and interpersonal. Taking time to understand the way individuals communicate in the world around you breeds collaboration, friendship, and trust. After my plans to study abroad in Germany summer of 2020 were derailed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I began to seek out other ways to build this cultural understanding in a new environment conducive with required health and safety protocols. Though only in my first few weeks of work, I am gaining so much cultural understanding and insight parallel to if I was actually in the area. Not only have I been able to learn more about the Malaysian/Asian culture but also the standards of banking, accounting and finance in the area. I feel my experience will contribute to a greater understanding of cultural communication while also equipping me with the tools and information necessary to enter the business world in a post graduate environment. I am also excited to work more closely with my fellow intern Athena, a freshman from the University of Southern California. While time zone differences have presented an early battle, I am eager to see all the excitement that lay down the road. Attached to this blog post I have included a photo of my first on boarding call with Maybank!