This is my second study abroad trip, to China, and so I am preparing for this trip did not pose any difficulties. I was looking forward to this trip, nonetheless, because I’ve never been to northern China, where the weather is more pleasant. So, this time I’ve packed a few long sleeves and a jacket.

Because this study abroad trip was only two-weeks long, I had no reason to be anxious or nervous. I have studied Mandarin for a few years, now, and going to China was without question. I have traveled to over 10 countries, and although I do enjoy Europe, it’s nothing like China. China has always been near and dear to my heart since I was a little girl. This will be my third trip to China.
Besides the clothes I am packing in my suitcase, I think the most important thing to do is create a list of things I need to bring. In China, most public restrooms do NOT have any toilet paper, so I suggest going to the Dollar Store and packing small tissue packets that you can carry with you in your bag around China. Also, hand sanitizer is very important, too, because you may not always have access to soap and running water. And, of course, where you go, it’s always a good idea to bring some aspirin with you in case you’re feeling unwell.
In this unventured region of Northern China, I am looking forward to meeting new students in China, learning, and trying new foods.