After an unforgettable six weeks in London, I was ready to come back to the States. The UK is similar enough to the US that I didn’t experience too much reverse culture shock. But of course, I find myself missing certain aspects of my study abroad experience nearly every day.

To anyone who is considering studying abroad, it is the kind of opportunity that you will never regret or forget. My two months in London not only gave me the chance to explore a new city, but also allowed me to learn a lot about myself. Living in a different country forced me to become a lot more self-sufficient. I’ve gained a new sense of self-awareness. But most importantly, I’ve become more confident in myself and my ability to conquer new things. 

I loved everything about my study abroad experience. The people I met, the places I went, and the things I learned and experienced changed my life. My two months spent in London truly gave me a new appreciation for other cultures and prepared me to go into my last semester of undergrad with zeal. 

My study abroad trip allowed me to grow as a person and thrive as a student. London truly gave me everything I wanted and more. So much so that I found myself whispering “until next time” as my plane took off.

I was asked by a fashion major to model for her in London while I was there. So much fun!