I planned to pop back in at the half way point in the semester to write…but things got a little busy! So, this is my mid semester check-in, and it is coming at a time that ironically feels the most like “school” as I know it since I’ve gotten here. We are right in the middle of our exam session right now, so the last few weeks have been constant studying. Because of this, we had to pause traveling for a little while so we could focus on our classes.

For my classes at Politecnico, I chose Fundamentals of Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Manufacturing Processes, Intro to Sustainable Engineering, and Digital & Connected World. I mentioned that this “finals week” feels familiar, but it is still very different from what I typically experience in classes at UA. At PoliTO, there are usually no mid semester grades of any sort, with all credit for the class being given at the end of the semester based on one exam or a project. However, there are multiple chances to attempt the exams if you did poorly the first time. It is very different from what we’re all used to, but after five months here we’re all getting comfortable with the unexpected. Hoping to pass on the first attempt so I can travel a little more before heading home at the end of July!
Speaking of travel, here are some highlights of some amazing places I have gotten to travel to and see in the past few months!

These are just a few of my absolute favorite days from the past couple of months. I think I am definitely going to spend a long time processing this semester after we get back to the States to really appreciate most of the things I have gotten to see and learn about while living in Turin. I am still so thankful for the opportunity to spend this semester abroad, and I am looking forward to packing the last bit of our time here with as many new experiences as possible!
A dopo!