I have now been back from my intermediate macroeconomics study abroad trip in Croatia for about five days. Upon initially arriving back in the United States, I was very happy to be back and felt thankful to be a citizen of this country. Now after settling back into my normal everyday life, I have to admit that I really miss being in Europe and cannot wait for my next trip back. After reflecting on my trip, I realized the thing I miss the most about my study abroad experience is the people I met along the journey. My classmates truly made my experience abroad incredible and one I will never forget. I believe that my study abroad experience has changed the way I look at the rest of the world. I was always really content with being in the US, but I now realize that there is so much out there to see and be explored. I feel I now have a new passion for adventure that was not present before. On my study abroad trip, we were constantly doing and exploring something. It has been a tough adjustment for me to be back home and sitting around. The biggest adjustments for me since being back has been reacclimating to American food and readjusting to the time zone. In Europe, we ate pretty healthy food because there is relatively no fast food. Since being back, my body has not fared well with American food, and it has been an adjustment. I have also had trouble with my sleep schedule because of the change in time zones. I currently am waking up around 6 am every morning willingly, and it has been very strange. I am making it though. I absolutely loved my study abroad experience and would recommend anyone that has the opportunity to study abroad to do it!