Sitting in my terminal waiting to board the plane that will take me to Belize, I’m nervous. I’m wondering if I forgot anything. I’m worried about customs since I’ve never flown by myself or been to a foreign country without my family. I’m scared the other students I’m with won’t like me. Yet, I remember what I’m here to do and why I’m going to Belize. I’m here to study and learn about conservation to see if it’s something I want to pursue. I’m immersing myself into a new culture to better prepare myself for a global business career.

When I think about why, my trip doesn’t seem as scary and instead I’m very excited. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Picture of the monitor at my gate

I’ve always lived my life by a quote by Caroline Miss: “Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that’s the one that is going to help you grow”. That quote has led me to new opportunities, friends and challenges that have made me stronger and shaped who I am today. Life will always involve fear. You just have to have the courage to overcome it and that’s what this trip is, the opportunity to grow.

My goal for this trip is to embrace everything and have an open mind. At one point, we can stay with a Mayan family and I plan on doing it. I want to try everything Belize has to offer and make the most of this opportunity given. I have a journal and GoPro to document the journey. At one point I won’t have access to WiFi or data which is going to be strange for someone like me who spends hours a day on my phone but a new and relaxing experience nonetheless.

All in all, I’m excited and nervous and just ready to be in Belize.