When I found out I was going to Leicester, I was skeptical because I had never heard of it before. I thought that it was a ‘nobody’ town, especially since no one else I knew had heard of it. Turns out that Leicester is one of the bigger cities in the UK. It has the most beautiful houses, lively atmosphere, and best restaurants to eat at. Calling this place ‘home’ for the past three and a half months has been a privileged. I can’t wait to go home and say, ‘Yeah Leicester. Oh, you haven’t heard of it?’

My favorite part about studying in England has been the ability to freely travel to other countries in Europe. I have felt extremely safe and welcomed in Europe, and I know I will definitely will be back in a few years. The people are very friendly and everywhere is picture-taking-worthy. England has some pretty awesome places, such as London, Stonehenge, Bath, Wales (another country), and York. I highly recommend these places if you find yourself in the UK. Anywhere you go in the UK (and anywhere in Europe at that) is proud and rich of its heritage and culture. This has truly added to my experience abroad.

I can not believe that my time abroad is coming to an end. I have made so many memories that I will cherish forever. Something about being abroad, away from your comfort zone, friends, and family, changes you. I know for a fact that I am more independent and confident in myself. Going home is going to be bittersweet, but I know all good things must come to an end. If it lasted forever, I would not appreciate it as much as I do. I like to say my time in the UK/Europe is an Era; it may have only been for a semester, but I am leaving it a changed person. All the experiences I have had, memories and friends around the global I have made, and pictures I have taken are enough to last longer than an era.

So, if you apply to study abroad and don’t get your first preference, take the second. Chances are YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. I know I do no regret anything from my semester abroad and am beyond grateful I ended up with my second preference.