So now you’ve been to some fascinating places, made wonderful friends, learned a lot about yourself, what now? Returning to my home campus was a reality check, that life is a little more simple on a daily basis than the last month I spent in Rome, and a few other unbelievable cities in Europe. What I did not expect to get from the trip, was a new perspective about my current life, not just the one we lived abroad. I have a newfound appreciation for America, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, my family, my friends, you name it. I could never have fostered this growth without the guidance of the incredible leaders on my trip. We were given the opportunity to learn about some of the oldest stories the world has to offer and visit the places these stories happened. We were able to live in another culture and first-hand learn what it is like to be a touristy American, as well as a local. I will carry these experiences with me forever, and I will have these friends forever to reminisce with. My time abroad has encouraged me to broaden my horizons, and go for it, whatever “it” may be. I can never give back my time in Rome, and I wouldn’t for the world. If you can go, even if you’re not sure, do everything in your power to hop on that plane and take on another part of this world, in order to expand your own world.